I met you when I was 29 about to turn 30. I was at a good place in my life, finally finding balance and starting my journey of self-discovery. In the past six years, our relationship has been like climbing a mountain range. You are excited to start, looking forward to the adventure ahead. But the trek is far and difficult at times. You worry you don’t have enough water or the right shoes. It starts to downpour on you, and some of the peaks are steep. You stop and look back, thinking this is too much, maybe I should just quit and turn around. But you don’t. Instead, you choose to keep going and continue to the top. Once you get there, words can’t describe the vast beauty surrounding you. It’s far better than you ever could have imagined, and you realize it was all worth it. The last two years were tough. But I am grateful we didn’t give up, and I feel like we have made it to the top of the first range of mountains. Onward and upward.
I am thankful you exist, and we found each other. As people, we all have many sides to us. I share different sides of myself, relating differently to certain friends and family members. But with you, I share all sides. I am my most authentic self. You see all parts of me in my rawest, rarest forms. We have exposed our shadows- the parts of us we try to escape from, but they follow us nonetheless. You have helped me bloom into who I am today and continue to challenge and support the best version of myself. Thank you for kindling the magical fire within me. I love you always. Cheers to six years and a lifetime more.