After reading the book “Wintering,” Katherine May inspired me to start going into the ocean as a ritual to start my day. The past four days have been invigorating. While it has only been around sixty degrees outside, the water feels warmer than the air mostly. Upon getting out, there is a rush of coldness. Simultaneously, happiness and energy bubble up inside, like a high, much more than from a deliciously warm cup of coffee with cardamom. That is the previous way I would start my day.
As fall marches on and the weather changes for the colder, booties and gloves will be a welcomed addition to my bathing suit in the hopes of allowing me to stay in the water longer. Swimming in cold water increases the immune system, decreases stress while enhancing mood, and stimulates the vagus nerve. These thirty minutes is a small slice of time that’s all mine. While the ocean is so vast, it is a peaceful place to be. Initially, I was hesitant to go alone, but now I feel braver, wholly lucid, and free. Through observing Chris’s obsession and progression with surfing motivated me to do hard things, and this challenge has been good for my soul. I will update you on my cold water journey and encourage anyone who feels compelled to try it. Stay well.